NTSPL has achieved ISO 9001:2008 certification, an internationally recognised standard for Quality Management Systems supported by the UKAS accredited body . This was done in order to provide and independent reassurance of the whole company commitment of NTSPL managing, continuous improvement and to customer satisfaction.
ISO 9001 certification demonstrates that NTSPL has implemented an effective Management System across its business which satisfies all of the requirements of the applicable standards for the IT services and products it provides to customers.
All areas of NTSPL operations were audited by an accredited third party as part of gaining the ISO 9001 Quality Mark all of which affect quality, efficiency and customer satisfaction.
Quality, service and technical capability have always been a key market differentiator for NTSPL and gaining ISO 9001, which recognises all these areas, was therefore a natural progression for the company.
ISO 9001 certification offers NTSPL customers the peace-of-mind that they are dealing with a reputable IT Services company that will exceed their expectations. The certification will also provide confidence to prospective customers who may be unfamiliar with NTSPL that they, too, will receive a quality, responsive service when engaging with us.
Customers can be confident that NTSPL has the necessary policy, systems, processes and procedures to manage the IT products, professional and managed services it provides to customers.
It also demonstrates that NTSPL has the correct measures in place to monitor customer satisfaction and react accordingly, building on NTSPL strong commitment to customer service excellence.